theWay logo ...Islam explained, for non-Muslims and new Muslims.

Common Questions

1. Do Muslim countries implement the Shari'ah (Islamic Law)?

2. Why do Muslims stone adulterers?

3. Are apostates executed, and if yes, why?

4. Do Muslims believe that no-one outside of Islam will go to Heaven?

5. Is the Quran a book of science?

6. Is the wearing of the face-veil obligatory upon females?

7. Is it true that there were, at one time, numerous versions of the Quran?


Do Muslim countries implement the Shari'ah?

While most Middle Eastern and North African countries have majority mainstream (Sunni) Muslim populations, virtually none of these countries implement the shariah according to the mainstream interpretation. Many of these countries are ruled by despotic dictatorships and monarchies that base their legal systems on a perversion of the shariah blended with bizarre and primitive cultural practices, as the corrupt regimes see fit. They do not represent the will and views of the masses within their respective countries.

Western colonialism left a very bitter after taste when it relinquished some control of many of these nations. The Western populations started to enjoy internal democratic reforms, while their governments and corporates continued a policy of raping the third world for resources and wealth, including propping up corrupt regimes to protect their own interests, at the expense of the masses. 

However, this bitter after taste is quickly being replaced by the sweetness of revolution and freedom sweeping across some of the regions that have ex-Europian colonies and/or cronies. And as these regimes accelerate towards their own decay and demise, so too do their oppressive "shariahs". This understanding is well known amongst Muslims globally, but media sensationalisation, Hollywood and Islamophobes have prevented this truth from manifesting to many non-Muslims in any significant way. But this public misconception that assumes that the despotic regimes are icons of the Islamic model has started to fade even before the present uprisings started. We have the increasing prevalence of unbiased education and the globalisation of information to thank for that.

That being said, Muslim leaders and scholars are duty-bound by Islam to do still more for the plight of women and other disenfranchised groups.

See video below: